Rhonda Fleming's banana farm is going broke slowly until expert Ronald Reagan arrives, fleeing from another Mesoamerican country where he backed the wrong government. He starts fixing all the things wrong on the plantation, but local banana factor John Wengraf wants to drive her bankrupt, and all the other farmers. Meanwhile, local entertainer Estelita, who mostly dresses in costumes that wouldn't be out of place at the Copacabana night club, were they a. Little less risque, wants Reagan for non-banana purposes, which has pal Noah Beery Jr. Very sad.
It's the third pairing of Reagan and Miss Fleming, and it's in a production of the Dollar Bills, Pine and Thomas. But this is no B production, it's very expensive-looking, with bright Technicolor spread out over four Paramount stages. Lewis Foster wrote the script from a novel by Tom Gill, and directed.