A neat example of what you can do on a small budget. Dr. Cory starts out a regular, married scientist who just happens upon a body crushed in a car wreck but with the brain still functioning and normal. The brain is removed from the mangled body and kept alive in a fish tank. It isn't long before the brain starts sending telepathic messages to the good doctor. Soon he's doing the bidding of Donovan's living brain, like gaining access to the Donovan fortune and using it to intimidate just about anybody who stands in the late millionaire's path to gain control of most of the country's economic resources. Cory's change of manner is noted by his wife and best friend, and it isn't long before they are both targeted for removal.
Lew Ayres is in top form as the good Dr. Cory evolves into misanthrope Donovan. Amusing if one realizes Ayres began his career playing the gentle, heroic Dr. Kildare. Creative casting! Along for the ride is Nancy Davis - - the future Mrs. Reagan - - and Gene Evans, as Cory's loyal but confused assistant. Steve Brodie plays a blackmailing reporter who gets just what he deserves.
All in all, "Donovan's Brain" is well worth watching if you're in the mood for something different. It has been selected to premiere on TCM later this month.