William Powell & Myrna Loy team up in a non-Thin Man romantic comedy involving amnesia & oil schemes set in a Pennsylvania town. Powell, returning from a holiday cruise, tries to rescue a drunk who's fallen overboard & finds he's lost his memory after someone conks him over the noggin w/an oar. That in his past life he was a drinking cheat & conman while in the present is a paragon of a clean life adds much mirth to his situation when he finds he needs to convince his wife (who has a new beau in her life & is demanding a divorce) to re-fall in love w/him. Zany, inspired & handled w/the same verve he brought to 4 Thin Man pictures, W.S. Van Dyke II (who would tragically commit suicide 3 years later) worked wonders w/this pair of actors. Look for Alfafa from the Little Rascals in a small part as a cub scout. Sublime.