The Three Mesquiteers, in this film played by Ray Corrigan, Bob Livingston and Max Terhune are not shown to the best advantage in this particular film. In fact they're almost downright idiots as they just can't bring the villain to just because he's too smart for them most of the way.
The guys are ignoring their own spread to travel with a carnival owned and operated 50% by a friend of their's. When someone substitutes counterfeit for some payroll cash and the carnival employees start spreading it around, Ed Cassidy the owner is in one big jackpot.
There's no suspense involved since we know almost right away that the real villain is the guy who owns the other 50% of the show. But the Mesquiteers have an additional problem in that Cassidy's juvenile daughter Anne Bennett has to provided for. Instead of getting the goods on the bad guy, the Mesquiteers spend more time in a custodial battle which our villain carefully exploits to best advantage.
In the end of course he's brought down and it's comic relief Terhune who actually does it, using a carnival trick we saw him do in the beginning of the film.
Far from the best of the Mesquiteer series.