Dame Ginger is a youngster who lives in a boring provincial town, Orange Springs; due to her behavior and yearnings for a thrilling life, her father decides to send her to a boarding school, the kind of place where the upper class girls of the 20's learn to do important things like skiing or flirting, the last habit always with the supervision of a chaperon. In such an idle but strict place, and thanks to some adventures ( she falls in love with a mysterious adult man and will be involved in a robbery ) Ginger will have finally the chance to make her most inward dream come true, to be a genuine flapper.
Herr Alan Crosland 's direction of this film is remarkable ( even though Crossland later will betray the rules of the silent cinema, by directing the first talkie in film history ) because in this early 20's film the technique, continuity and rhythm are developed in an especially suitable way for a romantic comedy. The star is Dame Olive Thomas, an actress who died early and who shows in this film her versatility by playing a character with different shades, an innocent girl transformed into a flapper. In this excellent film restoration there are is also a collection of witty, funny and politically incorrect intertitles that were enjoyed by this stiff German aristocrat thanks to their irony and longhaired impudence.
And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count has an appointment with a vamp, a more dangerous woman than a flapper.
Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien http://ferdinandvongalitzien.blogspot.com/