Two autistic anime nerds/childhood friends meet each other again in the business world and start dating because of their "common interest". The story follows their weird relationship from one awkward moment to the next, with random scenes interspersed where music comes on and the protagonists suddenly start singing and dancing like in a musical. The songs are mostly pretty bad techno and do not contribute all too much to the story. It's so random, but funny in a totally ridiculous way. The comedy varies between over the top slapstick stuff and subtle situational humor. The opening scene alone is hilarious and there are some pretty good laughs throughout. Especially the girl is doing a great job playing totally insane, a great contrast to the guy who always keeps his poker face. But the movie has pretty much zero depth and is basically just exploiting this otaku subculture (which deserves to be made fun of and ridiculed actually).
To sum it up, the movie is bad. But in a pretty well made, crazy and entertaining way.