In this semi-autobiographical film, two men meet in 2013 New York City and develop a relationship. The time is set by the cicada emergence in New York, and harkens back to events in the earlier 17-year cycle. However, other radio reports of the Sandusky sexual abuse case seems to place the action 2 years earlier.
Early on, there was a rapid-fire sequence to establish Ben as being bisexual. However, The short-scene technique used later was just distracting, as if assembled by someone with a short attention span.
In addition to common relationship problems - like different speeds of feelings development and degrees of outness - both participants also have prior traumas that make it difficult for each one to move forward. That is one of the problems of this film - there is too much story potential, which makes each story feel underdeveloped, especially with occasional scenes of simulated sex. I'm torn between interest in the sex and nudity, and yearning for more time for character development.