Definitely not up to the high standard one expects from HBO. The producers seem preoccupied with making the doco "entertaining". The fancy graphics, the animation, and the editing, all distract. It's ultimately a wasted opportunity to present the case in a clear, considered and constructive way, for the benefit of both those who are for or against Adnan Syed.
Dragging out a story that has been told a million times before, by a million other mediums, makes it boring and uninspired.
There is also one inexcusable misrepresented fact: "Because of new evidence unearthed after SERIAL, Adnan Syed has been granted an appeal". Unless I'm mistaken, this new evidence came about through the "Undisclosed Podcast", specifically through the hard work and legal acumen of lawyer Susan Simpson. While this new evidence was unearthed "after Serial", the statement gives false credit to that podcast.