"I Am Losing Weight" is a Comedy - Drama movie in which we follow the journey of a young woman, Masha, who is determined to lose weight and improve her life.
Since I didn't have high expectations from this movie I found it interesting since it focused on some important and sensitive themes such as struggles with body image, self-improvement, self-acceptance and social pressure and personal growth. The story was relatable, especially in a culture where beauty standards and expectations are constantly in the spotlight. The interpretation of Aleksandra Bortich who played as Masha was solid and strong, as she captured the emotional complexities of her character in order to make significant changes in her life. However, while the film did offer some heartfelt moments, it didn't fully explored its potential. The humor was light, but there wasn't enough depth to make the narrative particularly impactful or memorable. Finally, I have to say that "I Am Losing Weight" is a decent movie with a relatable story and nothing more so, if you want to spend your time you can watch it but don't expect something extraordinary.