Praveen Narayanan's directorial debut Ankarajyathe Jimmanmar is a slapstick comedy drama that revolves around the lives 4 young men, Prakashan (Rony David), Kichu (Roopesh Peethambaran),Roshan (Anu Mohan) and Jimman (Rajiv Pillai). All of them have succeeded in mastering their roles. Sudev Nair plays the role of a business tycoon and has pulled out the character with significant strength. Marina Michael, Vinitha Koshy and Archana have done justice to their roles. The music of this movie is extraordinary and needs a special mention.
I would recommend this as a one time watch that would have you laughing and feeling good. The movie does not have a grand plot or serious story line, however it has still managed to tick off as family entertainer. It offers clean humour with no trace of vulgarity or obscenity which is also another reason why you would enjoy watching this with your family.