I shan't talk about the actors and the acting because to tell you the honest truth, the actors do not seem to be professional (and some not to be actors at all...but extras roped in) so its pretty dim in that department. However! I have a tendency to think that it gave the film some raw state procedure that helped to give it credence! The story is very simply told - it is after all a just, leave here and arrive there; whilst catching up with old friends and meeting new ones as you hitchhike to a Temple. The only the "but" to the tale is there is a Tiger cub as your sidekick that you rescued from poachers and. They are extremely devoid of anything needed to make a good villain.
Its a slow paced film but its just had that little something to it that kept me watching it; rather than switching it off. I hadn't been expecting much of it to start with so it was a sneaky surprise for me. I absolutely did notice the blatant mistakes in replacing the Tiger cubs used throughout the film. The small ones looked very similar (unless you know how to read the different stripes all Tigers have; none had the same pattern markings) but the last one used was nearly twice the size in the space of a few days to a weeks length of time.