I, like many, am a connoisseur of indies, so there are films out there that...make you want to scream. But every now and again you come across a film that showcases a new director, writer, or actor in their best light. "Follow the Dead" is one of those films. And while basic premise has become a perennial horror trope - zombies are taking over - now film makers are exploring other ways to show the undead apocalypse. In this case, it's a bunch of twenty-somethings in Ireland who cannot discern the truth of their situation because of their distrust of the media, after having been bombarded with "fake news" for most of their adult lives. That initial skepticism gradually gives way to their new reality, and focuses on the relationships of the characters. From the opening senes, it's apparent that "Follow the Dead" was crafted with the eye of a talented film maker and writer, Adam Cahill. The writing delivers a different take on the genre, with solid acting that organically follows the tale in a believable way. There is a gentle slacker vibe from the man-children, and the women in the story seem to have their acts together far more than the boys, which is a real-life truism. Some may feel that the action gets a little slow when it gets too talky toward the third act. There are some twists that don't conform to the genre either, which may be a good or bad thing, depending on the viewer and their expectations. Overall, this is a fine effort from a new film maker who has a bright road ahead. I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would, and give this film 3.5/5 stars.