Adicionar um enredo no seu idioma"The Horror Zone" is an American science-fiction, fantasy, slasher psychological-supernatural horror anthology television series created by Manny Velazquez. The series consists of related dr... Ler tudo"The Horror Zone" is an American science-fiction, fantasy, slasher psychological-supernatural horror anthology television series created by Manny Velazquez. The series consists of related dramas depicting characters dealing with slashers, paranormal, futuristic, satanic, or other... Ler tudo"The Horror Zone" is an American science-fiction, fantasy, slasher psychological-supernatural horror anthology television series created by Manny Velazquez. The series consists of related dramas depicting characters dealing with slashers, paranormal, futuristic, satanic, or otherwise disturbing or unusual events; characters who find themselves dealing with these stran... Ler tudo