Christmas Blood (2017) is currently available for free on Tubi and is another holiday picture that came highly recommended from Edward Delgado. This Norwegian horror movie tells the tale of a small town plagued by a psychopath that escapes from prison and starts an amazing killing spree with an ax. This movie is directed by Reinert Kiil (The House) and stars Jorgen Langhelle (Arn), Sondre Krogtoft Larsen (Lyft), Haddy Jallow and Kylie Stephenson (The Cure). This is another Christmas story that is fun and starts off with a bang with a great kill scene and setting a potential pace for the movie; However, a lot of scenes are shot dark causing a feel of a lul through a big portion of the middle of the movie. Then the end picks up nicely for a solid climax. I did really like the cinematography throughout this film and the use of Santa's shadow across the snow to add intensity. Overall this is a fun addition to the genre but a step below a classic. I'd score this a 5/10.