What a letdown. The first 20 minutes had me on the edge of my seat, the movie throws you directly into the action, introduces characters well, delivers fast paced action beautifully shot, which reminded me of "Children of Men". So there I was, presented an intriguing mixture between social commentary and superhero entertainment. What followed?
A script that wants to much and lacks the boldness to go one way but decides to stumble upon many.
The images are intriguing but even after half of the movie I got a bit bored of it. It stretched so long that in the end I didnt even care what happened. Well, even if I had cared - what was I waiting for? Where was all of this going? Sure, a kid being hunted down by a policeman and protected by a doctor - but you couldnt go any better way with a set up like this?
Modern superhero movies and Hollywood in general often faces the judgement of hiding a weak script behind grandiose looks - I dont see why this movie shouldnt be judged and found guilty by the same sentence.