This is a nice little film. What I noticed about it is that it doesn't look cheap and the production values actually look quite lavish which helps to give that special authentic look of the Victorian era. I don't watch foreign films usually with the subtitles on, (I prefer them dubbed instead), but I gave this one a chance and it kept me glued on after the first 10 minutes into it. I have to commend Sonja Gerhardt's performance here, she was wonderful. She carried the whole movie so well. I think the rest of the cast does also an exceptional job. This is a pretty straightforward storytelling with the so-to-say traditional unmasking of the killer at the end. Which is nice since there are many films that leave you hanging with the unanswered questions and ambiguous endings. Also, I think this movie tries something new, it tries to differentiate itself from other Jack The Ripper stories by centering the story on the main lady character instead of just turning her a damsel in distress type of character. She is the detective and gets things done.
There's no movie that is perfect out there, but this one is just pretty good. The movie is moderately violent which is good for its subject matter, but doesn't go too crazy on the gore either. So overall, this is a decent Jack The Ripper film that will leave you satisfied.