In the same year as Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool 2, Mission Impossible 6 and Incredibles 2 comes the sequel everybody was asking for, Marfa Girl 2. I guess Larry Clark also has the right to have a cinematic universe... Well, this one starts after the explosive events of the first one and deals with its aftermath. Larry Clark sure can shoot a movie, if only he could write one as well... There are some themes here that are worth exploring, and in the hands of someone more capable would make for a compelling drama, but Larry Clark seems to only be interested in exploring the surface and then shock you with either sex or some unexpected violence. I also found the acting to be quite subpar, which I found quite distracting, with the exception of Drake Burnette in the titular role. In the end I found this to be a pretty disappointing movie from someone I know can do much better.