For well over a decade Britain's boutique Adult label JoyBear Pictures has been releasing nearly lookalike Couples Romances, generally pantomimes with voice-over narration. They've earned brownie points for stick-to-itiveness and complete avoidance of the gonzo syndrome, but "The Matchmaker" exemplifies the downside to this pattern: ho-hum lack of novelty.
One of the company's top discoveries Satine Spark stars in the title role of a lady who bucks the current trend of internet dating sites by giving her clients a personal touch in meeting potential mates. This is an obvious format to provide unrelated sex vignettes and all five of these segments comprising the short (85 minutes) feature are arousing. But as usual with JoyBear the sex and characters are closer on a continuum to the XXX visual wallpaper end of the spectrum than to riveting, engrossing entertainment. To put it another way, in an industry inundated with fake awards and accolades, JoyBear never creates an individual project worthy of such consideration.
Filmmmaker "Dee D" emphasizes lesbian sex, with not one but two Sapphic vignettes, "The Ingredients of Pleasure" with newcomer Ashleigh Doll servicing Satine in the kitchen. Next scene has two famous Brit Porn stars hooking up: Ava Dalush and Jess West.
Inevitably, Satine returns to center stage for the finale, going boy/girl opposite the big dick of Luke Hotrod. It's all quite pleasant, aimed at Couples who don't want to wallow in the gutter but prefer gentle eroticism.