How can I give this anything less than a five, when I was dying laughing. It starts a bit slow and cringy, but it gets incredibly stupid so fast, I barely noticed. It goes from 0 to a 100 in a single scene. Well, technically it idles at 75.
5 "friends", maybe 7 or 6, who cares, go to some secluded house to do something I forgot about. During the night, they hear a siren and orange fog starts enveloping the area. They immediately panic, start talking how about they are all going to die, blame some nearby factory which belongs to one of the girls' family, start grilling her about what secret chemicals her father is making there and we are still at the point when the movie makes "sense".
If you are looking for a funny horrible film to watch with buddies, this is it. It starts going and never stops. After a certain point, every single action and word coming out of anyone's mouth is incredible. Like literally, not credible. Your brain will have trouble processing the information and will employ laughter as a defence mechanism.