Although the beginning of the film evokes many others that deal with homosexual relationships, in reality, it soon becomes a film that reflects the drama of being in love with a person who suffers from schizophrenia.
They could have been a straight or gay couple. If you analyze it this way, the reviews, generally negative, I think sometimes punish the film too much.
I have had a very similar gay relationship with a schizophrenic boy, and although the film does not dwell on the romantic or erotic part (it touches it slightly with some glances or moments in bed), I do think it does a good job dealing with schizophrenia. Perhaps it fails to reflect the harshness it entails not only for the sufferer, but for his boyfriend, who seem to remain "cold", but in fact he cries. Flashbacks aren't always perfect, but they're understandable. The schizophrenic protagonist behaves very much like the experience I went through. He goes from joy to schizophrenic breack (when his partner's parents arrive) and it really is. Even negativeeven the resistance to medication reminds me of the experience I had.
The apparent coldness of the characters hides the tragedies they suffer (the affective problems of the parents), Jeremy's great doubt between going back to his ex, who had disappointed him, or maintaining the relationship with Scott. Elliot's cheerful character (in flashbacks) also turns a bit cold because Jeremy still loves Scott. However, it is obvious that she still loves him. Being cold in life is a way to hide the dramas they suffer And really, they are like ice.
It could have been a great film, if some details were improved, but even so, the main purpose, which, in my opinion, is the impact of the onset of schizophrenia in a young person and how it affects his environment... that purpose yes it is reflected and possibly the (open) ending leaves the viewer free to decide if Jeremy will opt for "A Nice Quiet Life" (forget the past), or.... no. If it had been a great movie, a second part could clarify that somewhat cold ending, like the movie.