Brilliant flick, that warmed me up in the 31 'st December.
The movies is with pretty much all irregularities , deviations of life patterns and slightly pinching and swinging the beauty and dusty darkness of young life . What I love about the movie is it gives a space, for all who haven't figured them in all the details of it .
The all kind of friendly, happy ,romantic, bitter ,anxious,erotic,carefree chemistry is in well balanced with in the game and it all in mix of right proportion. Indeed the the entire crew had done a great job here.
We got memories to live, we got to leave them and then become nostalgic . But that very thing will be your story. Marco think about the death, and movie open with clues to utter depression but the movie in it's flow, gracefully chunked this ever longing depressive question and dispose. Such a relief exactly like the summer.
You don't know what Matt and Paul is doing, Jul never showed after, after the trip. I am sure Marco will say same even after another decade. This all ringing a bell to say that ' don't dare question the adventure of life' as it was never to be strictly alter. Dear Marco , Of course you are not the only one learning to be something and struggling with flashbacks. 8 happy stars to 'Summertime'