I had never even heard of this show until it was suggested for me on Netflix, and I cannot believe how surprising it is that it is not much more popular. This show is such a pick me up. It's wholesome and sweet and romantic. I audibly laugh out loud at least once every episode. The writing is smart and quick. The characters have unbelievable chemistry, though, to be fair, America Ferrera is such an amazing actor, I would find it shocking if she ever didn't have chemistry with anyone.
On a slightly more serious note, as much as Jonah is considered dweeby by many of his coworkers on the show, I think, overall, his character is such a rare, excellent example of a decent man - which is so rarely seen on television. On tv men are often depicted as narrow, one-dimensional caricatures: domineering, facile, weak, or stupid. Jonah depicts a man with a full spectrum of emotion, strong, kind, gentle, and genuinely concerned about other people - a person of character and real conviction. It adds depth and quality and substance to a hilarious, fun, and often silly show.