A great TV Series based on a true story as far as I am aware and played with so much experience of great actors who in my opinion know their art. The story is based in The Principal, the main character who comes back to his school of childhood, a school that had its demons in the past and demons a new in the present day with so many horror around the world that have been brought to every country due to globalization and the internet. The prejudices that follow that and the pigeon holing of certain people, those who fight for the right of someone who may be just fighting back due to not knowing how to succeed in this current world. It is a topic/topics that confront many people in many countries and is portrayed admirably by a very strong cast with the major player Alex Dimitriades as The Principal, amazing casting by the play write/directors/producers. A good watch. So you don't have to read 10 paragraphs of information which some people do and I hate, below is a commendation of the actors involved and some previous work. Alex Dimitriades is just a stellar performer, he first came to my attention in a movie titled "Head On" (A very different role and movie, read synopsis before watching) which considering the year it was made and the all-round feeling of the public regarding it's topic was an heroic choice by Alex and he literally pulled it off, but watching him in that and now this is just amazing. I have watched many titles with Alex in them and to be honest, why he has not become a major US head liner is beyond me, maybe he doesn't want it but he can carry any character. I read a review on here about a Robert Redford movie called "The Company we Keep" with a who's who of star power and a reviser said "Robert slips in to any role and was a star" well when I watched it, Robert was Robert, excluding Robert's earlier work he is and portrays to be Robert in every movie I see him in where Alex Dimitriades could play anything. Add to that some very good Aussie talent in what I will describe as a new comer as his only work was prior to 2008 and only 3 however Rahel Romahn as Tarek is amazing, even scary if he was type cast, what an amazing emotive experience he like Alex are true professionals in their art. I have to mention so many in this film as I don't believe any contributor let down the TV series, a great Australian Series and that is from someone that sees "Australian Made" and tend to run but there are so many amazing TV Series, TV Movies coming out of OZ I am a convert. Other actors/actress that I need to mention are Deborah Kennedy, Mirrah Foulkes, Di Adams but so many more, too many to write. Although I am wondering if Andrea Demetriades is a typo on purpose to distance a famous Alex Dimitriades? Swapping and I for an E? But I must say I don't think there was a bad performance in this series and wish I could write more singling out every actor in this great watch.