Drac von Stoller
- Redação
- Direção
Drac Von Stoller has to date 3,430,395 downloads of Ebooks and Audiobooks. Drac had a record-breaking month in September 2024 of 102,722 downloads which 70,041 were Ebooks and 32,681 were Audiobooks . Drac has now completed a total of 470 Ebooks and Audiobooks to date through Google's AI narration. In 12 months, Drac has already had over 284,594 downloads of his Audiobooks!
Drac has also had over 643,820 downloads of his Ebooks and Audiobooks in 2024!
Drac Von Stoller is in the process of pitching his Synopsis and TV Pitch Deck for a TV Series to major networks in 2024!
Drac's film Horrifying Tales From The Dead is available to watch Free on Tubi, Fawesome Horror, Fawesome Free Movies and TV Shows, Cineverse and Midnight Pulp Channel. Also, available to Rent or Buy on Amazon Prime Video!
Drac has also had over 643,820 downloads of his Ebooks and Audiobooks in 2024!
Drac Von Stoller is in the process of pitching his Synopsis and TV Pitch Deck for a TV Series to major networks in 2024!
Drac's film Horrifying Tales From The Dead is available to watch Free on Tubi, Fawesome Horror, Fawesome Free Movies and TV Shows, Cineverse and Midnight Pulp Channel. Also, available to Rent or Buy on Amazon Prime Video!