[May of 2016, interview with Esquire Magazine, on his documentary, "Holy Hell", and how Michel/Jaime Gomez came to possess such power as the cult leader of Buddhafield]
You don't see it that way. I never thought, "I'm going to join a group and give my power to someone." But there is a social proof that happens. And there is this groupthink that goes on. There's a wave of agreement, because we're all agreeing to do it. A lot of the principles of the East vs. West that we were doing-surrendering to the guru, dropping your ego, taking your shoes off before you walk into a room and leave the world behind-we didn't think of it as giving our power, we thought of it as empowering. And he also had a relationship with each one of us individually. He ended up getting everyone's power individually, one at a time.