Irina Lazarova(I)
- Visual Effects
- Producer
- Production Manager
Irina was born in 1994 in Skopje, Macedonia. She showed her interest in movies since she was second grade, when her father took her to a movie set on one of the most successful Macedonian movies at that time "Bal-kan-kan". Since then she new that she wants to become movie producer. She graduated at the film academy in Skopje FDU as a movie and theater producer. She started her carrier in 2015 working as a production assistant on French movie A Fond directed by Nicolas Benamou. Then she was working as a production manager, production coordinator and executive producer on Macedonian short and featured movies. In 2018 she got hired as a vfx production coordinator in one of the best VFX companies Fx3x, where she is still working on Star Trek series and marvel movies.