- Nicknames
- The High Roller
- Game Show Villain
- James Holzhauer has been married to Melissa Sassin since September 8, 2012. They have one child.
- SpouseMelissa Sassin(September 8, 2012 - present) (1 child)
- Holds the Jeopardy! record for biggest one day win at $131,127. To date, the next dozen or so records are also his.
- Was in the 'home stretch' of surpassing Ken Jennings' "Jeopardy!" winnings record, at the time he was defeated in his 33rd game.
- The episode that ended Holzhauers' Jeopardy! run (when he was defeated by Emma Boettcher) aired on June 3, 2019. By sheer happenstance, on the next day, the 35th anniversary of the release of 'Weird Al' Yankovics' "I Lost on Jeopardy!" music video.
- During his 'Jeopardy' run, the study/data showed that based on this average score winnings (which was almost always well over $70,000), he would surpass Ken Jennings' consecutive cash winnings record at the time he wins his 32nd or 33rd game. Oddly, James ended up being defeated in his 33rd game, just $58,484 short of surpassing Kens' record.
- In the 38th season of Jeopardy! alone, two contestants (Matt Amodio and Amy Schneider) both surpassed Holzhauers' consecutive game wins (32) record for second place. (However, due to Holzhauer's heavy wagering, he still holds second place for cash winnings).
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