Karim Zreika(I)
- Actor
As an early-career artist at "interCulture", Karim has already captured the attention of notable theatre critic
and blogger Kevin Jackson. He elevated that the fast-talking high school student's 'twinkle-eyed, twinkle-toed
magnetism' in The Voices Project feature shows charismatic potential, only paralleled by his rough-hewn
observatory vignettes for 'gritty, everyday reality'.
Arguably one of the standouts in an AYTP (Australian Theatre for Young People) monologue, this young actor
philosophises the themes of belonging, identity and place in a refreshing, cheerful and energetic fashion: a
paradoxical muddle of urbaneness and panache. In addition to his apparent passion for theatre and the
screen, Karim is a dedicated musician whose skills in piano such as his signature "River Flows in You" are met
with aplomb and technical deftness.
Through "iCCAM" Karim has been cast in his commercial debut, an Egyptian swashbuckling mystical
fantasy/adventure with an ethnically diverse flavour "Gods of Egypt", honoured to work with Hollywood and
local mainstays Gerard Butler, Geoffrey Rush and director Alex Proyas. Recently he was cast as Bilal Folouk in
the SBS four-part drama miniseries about the lives of difficult and troubled students in Sydney's south-west and
worked closely with Alex Dimitriades. Exciting days ahead for this youngster!