Garry Bates(II)
- Actor
Garry Bates is an actor born in the DC area suburb of Alexandria,
Virginia. He is the youngest of two children. Throughout his teenage
years he battled chronic migraine headaches and was a test subject of
medications, which caused his school attendance to suffer dramatically.
Garry and his family decided on an alternative means of education and
enrolled in The American School of Correspondence. He continued his
high school education this way and earned his diploma. He then went on
to study Television Broadcasting at The New England Institute of Art
(The Art Institute) in Brookline, Massachusetts where he earned an
Associate's degree. During that time he found his love for acting when
he took a class as an elective. He then transferred to Emerson College
in Boston, Massachusetts and was accepted into the Bachelor of Arts
acting program where he earned his degree in Theater Studies. While
there, he performed in several of the school's main-stage productions.
His performance experience in theater spans the cities of Boston, DC,
and Los Angeles where Garry now lives.