Brett Montez
- Composer
- Music Department
- Director
Brett Montez was born on August 3, 1972 in South Haven, Indiana. The
youngest in a family of three children (he has two older brothers),
Brett graduated mid-term from Portage High School in Portage, Indiana
in 1991 because he was incarcerated at the Boy's School in Plainfield,
Indiana during the first semester of his senior year. Moreover, Montez
was a vocalist in heavy metal bands throughout his teens and early
20's. Brett moved to San Diego, California in 1997. The father of a son
and a daughter, Montez not only works as professional body piercer at
Colorbomb Tattoos & Body Piercings in El Cajon, California, but also
works as a supervisor at the St. Vincent De Paul Village homeless
shelter in downtown San Diego. In addition, Brett does film scores out
of a small studio in his apartment in El Cajon.