Edd Gould(1988-2012)
- Animation Department
- Writer
- Actor
Born in London, Edd Gould created a parody of the 1992 movie, Wayne's
World. He called his parody "Eddsworld." His friend and co-producer
Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell and his best friend Matt Hargreaves helped
him produce Eddsworld since its premiere in 2005. But in 2006, the show
was cancelled for a while because Edd developed leukemia. But he fought
hard and eventually was back at the computer working on Eddsworld. But
5 years later on a YouTube video called "Edd vs Cancer" in 2011, Edd
revealed that he had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. After almost a year,
Edd Gould passed away on March 25, 2012 in London. His funeral was held
on April 10 2012. According to Thomas Ridgewell's Vokle, Edd was
cremated. As he said in the short video that he and Matt created two
days after his death, RIP Edd Gould 1988-2012, Edd may be gone, but his
world will keep spinning.