Matthew J. Perez
- Writer
- Sound Department
- Actor
By age 2, Matthew was at the age where he should've begun talking, but he hasn't. He was "Half Deaf." Meaning that although his eardrums are not damaged in any way, the passage of my ears collapsed within itself. Surgery was needed to fix it, and this caused him to develop a need for help to pronounce words, write, or read properly. His writing consisted of intangible letters being smashed together that only he could understand. "dnfsjdhs" Was "unicorn" to him. He was considered "Different" by other kids, being in headlocks during passing periods.
At the age of 6, he was assigned to write a short story one day, and his teacher loved it. She wanted to frame the paper on her wall. But when she looked at the paper, it was nothing but random letters mushed together. But It was still the best day of his life. With writing becoming a new passion, he didn't feel left out from the other artistic children. He turned his stutter into something understandable on paper.
At the age of 12, he realized his artistic peers are visual artists, Dancers, Musicians, Artists, and Actors. Nobody at this age wanted to "read" for fun, and once again; Matt felt he was ostracized again. So he became a visual writer, with inspiration of Smoth and Key and Peele. Matt became a comedy writer with only an iPhone 4 in hand. He tried to tackle every video he makes to make someone laugh and brighten someone's day.
At the age of 2022, Matt realized everything he's passionate about with film, his speech, and his writing, was a direct cause of his hearing issue. He started a big appreciation for sound. Doing Soundmixer work on shoots to network and enhance the power of the story, he does acting because he's proud of his journey of speech therapy, and he's a writer in hopes of creating a story, that can help a kid that was just like him.
At the age of 6, he was assigned to write a short story one day, and his teacher loved it. She wanted to frame the paper on her wall. But when she looked at the paper, it was nothing but random letters mushed together. But It was still the best day of his life. With writing becoming a new passion, he didn't feel left out from the other artistic children. He turned his stutter into something understandable on paper.
At the age of 12, he realized his artistic peers are visual artists, Dancers, Musicians, Artists, and Actors. Nobody at this age wanted to "read" for fun, and once again; Matt felt he was ostracized again. So he became a visual writer, with inspiration of Smoth and Key and Peele. Matt became a comedy writer with only an iPhone 4 in hand. He tried to tackle every video he makes to make someone laugh and brighten someone's day.
At the age of 2022, Matt realized everything he's passionate about with film, his speech, and his writing, was a direct cause of his hearing issue. He started a big appreciation for sound. Doing Soundmixer work on shoots to network and enhance the power of the story, he does acting because he's proud of his journey of speech therapy, and he's a writer in hopes of creating a story, that can help a kid that was just like him.