- (1997) Play: "Mala sang", by David Plana. Dir. David Plana.
- (1998) Play: "Els 2 bessons venecians", by Carlo Goldoni. Dir. Toni Caffiero.
- (1998) Play: "Un somni", by August Strindberg. Dir. Catalina Buzoianu.
- (1998) Play: "Quan serà pintada una escena de fons sense fi", by Joan Brossa. Dir. Moisès Maicas.
- (1998 - 1999) Play: "Galatea", by Josep Maria de Sagarra. Dir. Ariel García Valdés.
- (1999) Play: "Les dones sàvies", by Molière. Dir. Rosa Novell.
- (1999) Play: "Molt soroll per no res", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Ferran Madico.
- (2000) Play: "La tienda de los horrores", by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. Dir. Víctor Conde.
- (2000) Play: "Els tristos camps d'Asfòdels", by Patrick Kermann. Dir. Pascale Henry.
- (2000 - 2002) Play: "Titus Andrònic", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2000 - 2001) Play: "El coronel ocell", by Hristo Boychev. Dir. Rafel Duran.
- (2001) Play: "Suzuki I i II", by Andrei Xipenko. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2001) Play: "Woyzeck", by Georg Büchner. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2002) Play: "La filla del mar", by Àngel Guimerà. Dir. Josep Maria Mestres.
- (2002 - 2003) Play: "El somni d'una nit d'estiu", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Àngel Llàcer.
- (2003) Play: "Excés", by Neil LaBute. Dir. Magda Puyo.
- (2003) Staged Reading: "El petó de Judas", by David Hare. Dir. Carles Canut.
- (2003) Play: "Electra", by Sophocles. Dir. P. A. Angelopoulos.
- (2003) Play: "L'escola de dones", by Molière. Dir. Carles Alfaro.
- (2003) Play: "Glengarry Glen Ross", by David Mamet. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2004) Play: "Nits blanques", by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Dir. Carlota Subirós.
- (2004 - 2005) Play: "Juli Cèsar", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2004 - 2006) Play: "Santa Joana dels escorxadors", by Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2005) Play: "Marie i Bruce", by Wallace Shawn. Dir. Carlota Subirós.
- (2005 - 2007) Play: "Ricard 3r", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2005 - 2008) Play: "European House", by Àlex Rigola. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2006 - 2007) Play: "Otel·lo", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Carlota Subirós.
- (2006) Play: "Arbusht", by Paco Zarzoso. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2006) Staged Reading: "Los borrachos", by Antonio Álamo. Dir. Carles Canut.
- (2007) Play: "El dúo de la africana", by Xavier Albertí and Lluïsa Cunillé. Dir. Xavier Albertí.
- (2007 - 2008) Play: "2666", by Roberto Bolaño. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2007) Special Performance: "Un roure", by Tim Crouch. Dir. Roser Batalla.
- (2007 - 2008) Play: "La torre de la Défense", by Copi. Dir. Marcial di Fonzo Bo.
- (2008) Play: "Boris Godunov", by Àlex Ollé and David Plana. Dir. Àlex Ollé (voice).
- (2008) Play: "Dia de partit", by David Plana. Dir. Rafel Duran.
- (2008 - 2009) Play: "El buñuelo de Hamlet", by Luis Buñuel and Pepín Bello. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2008 - 2010) Play: "Rock 'n' Roll", by Tom Stoppard. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2008) Play: "Jugar amb un tigre", by Doris Lessing. Dir. Carlota Subirós.
- (2009) Play: "El dúo de la africana", by Xavier Albertí and Lluïsa Cunillé. Dir. Xavier Albertí.
- (2009 - 2010) Play: "Nixon-Frost", by Peter Morgan. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2010) Play: "2666", by Roberto Bolaño. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2010) Staged Reading: "Lo Cantador", by Frederic Soler 'Pitarra'. Dir. Xavier Albertí.
- (2010 - 2011) Play: "Gata sobre teulada de zinc calenta", by Tennesse Williams. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2011) Play: "The End", by Àlex Rigola. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2011) Play: "Tragèdia", by Àlex Rigola. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2011) Staged Reading: "La nostra Champions particular", by Cristina Clemente.
- (2011) Play: "La ciutat", by Martin Crisp. Dir. Víctor Muñoz i Calafell.
- (2011) Staged Reading: "No ha de quedar res", by Éric Pessan. Dir. Thomas Sauerteig.
- (2012) Play: "Coriolà", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Àlex Rigola.
- (2012) Staged Reading: "Tirant lo Blanc", by Joanot Martorell. Dir. Carles Canut.
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