Sheelin Choksey
- Producer
- Director
- Production Manager
Sheelin (pronounced 'Shel-een') Choksey was born in 1977 in the proud east
coast city of Baltimore, Maryland. He is a first generation Indian
American raised in the suburbs of the mid-Atlantic. From an area deep
with a competitive tradition, his first love was sports, but soon he
found out he was a much better spectator than participant - luckily he
had a replacement interest in the wings - his deeper love for the
creative arts - first as an actor, then a fledgling writer turned
director. After film school at the underrated University of North
Carolina School of the Arts where he began to learn the craft of
directing in a professional platform, he migrated to Los Angeles, set
to continue telling stories, which he has done for on ground breaking
television series' notably for cable.