- (2002 - 2003) Play: "Estercolàcies I i II", by Karl Valentine and Javier Tomeo. Dir. Txema Stamfford.
- (2004) Play: "Com a Casa-sses", by Txema Stamfford. Dir. Txema Stamfford.
- (2004) Play: "Baal", by Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Abel Coll.
- (2004) Play: "Mini-mal Show", by Sergi Belbel and Miquel Górriz. Dir. Mercè Lleixà.
- (2004 - 2005) Play: "Sel·lagineles (o la tragèdia d'una cabra)", by Txema Stamfford. Dir. Peter Gadish and Txema Stamfford.
- (2005 - 2006) Play: "Bartleby", by Herman Melville. Dir. Ever Blanchet.
- (2006) Play: "Sam", by Samuel Beckett. Dir. Llàtzer Garcia and Abel Coll.
- (2006) Play: "Quotidiana delirant", by Miguelanxo Prado. Dir. Eles Alavedra.
- (2006) Play: "La cantant calba & La cantant calba al McDonald's", by Eugene Ionesco and Lluïsa Cunillé. Dir. Joan Ollé (voice).
- (2006) Play: "Boris I (El rei d'Andorra)", by Beth Escudé. Dir. Ester Nadal (voice).
- (2008) Play: "Mentida!", by Sergi Pompermayer. Dir. Jordi Purtí.
- (2008) Staged Reading: "Dolça res", by Llàtzer Garcia. Dir. Llàtzer Garcia.
- (2008 - 2009) Play: "Sexe, amor i literatura", by Joan Gallart. Dir. Joan Gallart.
- (2009) Play: "Un tramvia anomenat Desig", by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Ester Nadal.
- (2009) Play: "La silibararera", by Txema Stamfford. Dir. Ester Nadal and Txema Stanfford.
- (2009) Play: "La síndrome de Bucay", by Joan Gallart. Dir. Joan Gallart.
- (2009 - 2010) Play: "La doble vida d'en John", by Ray Cooney. Dir. Àngel Llàcer.
- (2011) Play: "Huis clos (A porta tancada)", by Jean-Paul Sartre. Dir. Raimon Molins.
- (2011) Play: "La síndrome de Bucay", by Joan Gallart. Dir. Joan Gallart.
- (2011) Special Performance: "Madame Melville", by Richard Nelson. Dir. Àngel Llàcer.
- (2011) Play: "My Way", by Jordi Faura. Dir. Abel Coll.
- (2011) Play: "Els bojos del bisturí", by Ray Cooney. Dir. Àngel Llàcer.
- (2012 - 2013) Play: "Litus", by Marta Buchaca. Dir. Marta Buchaca.
- (2012) Staged Reading: "50%", by Blanca Bardagil.
- (2012) Play: "Ensinistrarem els nostres fills per a la nit que arribi l'home del sac", by Marc Artigau. Dir. Marc Artigau.
- (2013) Staged Reading: "La casa cremada", by August Strindberg. Dir. Lluís Pasqual.
- (2013) Play: "Litoral", by Wajdi Mouawad. Dir. Raimon Molins.
- (2013) Special Performance: "Recordant la Fedra", by Salvador Espriu. Dir. Lluís Pasqual.
- (2013) Play: "La revolució no serà tuitejada", by Jordi Casanovas, Guillem Clua and Pau Miró. Dir. Jordi Casanovas, Guillem Clua and Pau Miró.
- (2013 - 2014) Play: "Moby Dick, un viatge pel teatre", by Marc Artigau. Dir. Juan Carlos Martel Bayod.
- (2013 - 2019) Play: "Dos machos verdes fritos", by Oscar Machancoses and David Verdaguer. Dir. Oscar Machancoses and David Verdaguer.
- (2014 - 2015) Play: "El caballero de Olmedo", by Lope de Vega. Dir. Lluís Pasqual.
- (2014) Play: "Les golfes del Maldà". Dir. Adrià Aubert (voice).
- (2014) Play: "Victòria d'Enric V", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Pau Carrió.
- (2015) Play: "Somni americà", by Oriol Tarrason. Dir. Oriol Tarrason.
- (2015) Play: "Frank V (Opereta d'una banca privada)", by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Dir. Josep Maria Mestres.
- (2015) Play: "L'onzena plaga", by Victoria Szpunberg. Dir. David Selvas.
- (2015 - 2017) Play: "Molt soroll per no res", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Àngel Llàcer.
- (2015) Staged Reading: "D.N.I", by Clàudia Cedó.
- (2016) Special Performance: "Els Pirates Teatre - 15 anys".
- (2017) Play: "L'hostalera", by Carlo Goldoni. Dir. Pau Carrió.
- (2017 - 2018) Play: "Un cop l'any", by Bernard Slade. Dir. Àngel Llàcer.
- (2017) Staged Reading: "A l'altre barri", by Laia Alsina Ferrer.
- (2018 - 2019) Play: "La importància de ser Frank", by Oscar Wilde. Dir. David Selvas.
- (2018) Staged Reading: "M'he posat les ulleres de mirar carregadors", by Cristina Clemente.
- (2019) Play: "Dogville", by Lars von Trier. Dir. Sílvia Munt.
- (2020 - 2022) Play: "El mètode Grönholm", by Jordi Galceran. Dir. Sergi Belbel.
- (2020) Special Performance: "Les cartes", by Víctor Català. Dir. Clara Manyós.
- (2021) Play: "Començar", by David Eldridge. Dir. Pau Carrió.
- (2024) Play: "Elling", by Ingvar Ambjørnsen. Dir. Pau Carrió.
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