Peter De Rome(1924-2014)
- Director
- Cinematographer
- Editor
Peter de Rome began making short erotic films in the '60s, basically
for his own use and for the amusement of friends. When one of them, Hot
Pants, won a first prize at the Amsterdam Wet Dream Film Festival,
interest was aroused. Producer Jack Deveau put together a collection of
de Rome's work, and with two additional segments (Underground, filmed
in the New York subway, and a modern version of the legend of
Prometheus) released The Erotic Films Of Peter De Rome in 1973. In
1974, de Rome made his first feature length film in Paris, entitled
Adam & Yves, and two years later came the first attempt at gay horror,
The Destroying Angel, loosely based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe, whom
de Rome closely resembles. His autobiography, The Erotic World Of Peter
De Rome, appeared in 1984.