Michelle Gay
- Actress
Michelle Gay was raised in Ohio where her first role was as The King in
a third grade play. After a series of leading roles at a young age she
then went on to performing arts high school. During her college years
she had a hiatus from the theatre during which time she studied
journalism. Boredom with that soon set in and to help with her need for
adventure she enlisted in the Army where she was sent to The Persian
Gulf War. After receiving an honorable discharge she was again bit by
the theatre bug while working as a parking lot attendant for The Lost
Colony Outdoor Drama in Manteo, North Carolina. After returning to Ohio
she kept up her theatre and was offered commercial, film and theatre
roles. She has tried every aspect of the theatre including;
Shakespeare, Musical Theatre, Dinner theatre, film and television. She
is also working on writing her first play. Her training includes
Shakespeare & Co. and Commercial Acting Studio.