Fay Weldon
- Date de naissance
- Date de décès4 janvier 2023 · Northampton, Northamptonshire, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni (non divulguée)
- Nom de naissanceFranklin Birkinshaw
- Fay Weldon est née le 22 septembre 1931 à Angleterre, Royaume-Uni. Elle était scénariste. Elle est connue pour She-Devil - La Diable (1989), Puffball (2007) et Flood Warning (2020). Elle était mariée à Nicolas P Fox, Ronald Weldon et Ronald G. Bateman. Elle est morte le 4 janvier 2023 à Northamptonshire, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni.
- ConjointsNicolas P Fox(juin 1994 - 2020) (séparé)Ronald Weldon(1963 - 26 mai 1994) (divorcé, 3 enfants)Ronald G. Bateman(1956 - 1959) (divorcé, 1 enfant)
- ParentsFrank Thornton BirkinshawMargaret Jepson
- ProchesEdgar Jepson(Grandparent)Henry Holmes,(Great Grandparent)Selwyn Jepson(Aunt or Uncle)Alan Birkinshaw(Sibling)
- Member of the 'Official Competition' jury at the 46th Berlin International Film Festival in 1996.
- Biography/bibliography in: "Contemporary Authors". New Revision Series, vol. 137, pages 397-404. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale, 2005.
- She was awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the 2001 Queen's New Years Honours List for her services to Literature.
- In 2012 Weldon was appointed Professor of Creative Writing at Bath Spa University, where she shared an office with Professor Maggie Gee.
- In England Weldon won a scholarship to the all-girls South Hampstead High School, before going on to study Psychology and Economics at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Later she recalled attending classes with the moral philosopher Malcolm Knox, who "spoke exclusively to the male students, maintaining that women were incapable of moral judgement or objectivity.".
- There has to be a halt in the gender war and feminism must extend its remit to include the rights of men.
- The female writer still going through the doldrums of middle age should look at the advent of the e-book as a blessing. It is such an anonymous medium. The writer can be from anywhere and as old or young as she likes. The quality of the text emerges without frills, without the photo on the back of the book. And should you e-publish it yourself, with any luck a 'proper' publisher, impressed by your skill and panache, will turn it into book as we once knew it, indifferent to your age.
- I was young when my first book was published and had quick success. I roared around the world on the Concorde, from one international convention to the next. I like to think it was because I wrote good novels, not because I fluttered my eyelashes, but really, who can say? With age things calm down. Publicity photos give up trying to make you look sexy and try to make you look intelligent. Fortunately, if you just hang in there long enough and hit 80, you will emerge on the other side of the postmenopausal years into bright clear waters - so old as to seem ageless, sexless as a sage, remarkable if not for youth, why, then, for extreme age, and again a salable proposition for publishers.
- When I took to writing plays in the '70s. it was understood that if two mature women were talking onstage, audience members would cough and shift in their seats, but if two men of any age were talking, the audience would pay some attention. And if any man of any age and a young woman were alone onstage, you could hear a pin drop. Not much has changed since then. Young, nubile women attract attention, aging women do not - on the screen, on the stage, and I fear for the novelist, on the page.
- Young women need classes in low self-esteem, not in high self-esteem. This is the same for both men and women actually. They're brought up now to have an unrealistic view of themselves. It makes them very hard to relate to the real world. It makes them live in a sort of bubble. It makes them long for safe spaces. They won't listen to anybody else. They deny the existence of other thoughts and other people, which makes thought rather difficult for them. It makes them terribly easy to offend.
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