Raisa Vasilyeva(1902-1938)
- Writer
She came from a poor working-class family and began working in childhood. At the age of 15, she took an active part in the October Revolution and was one of the first members of the Komsomol. In the mid-1920s, Raisa and her husband were supporters of the Left Oppositionwhich is why she was subsequently expelled from the party and arrested. In Leningrad, Vasilyeva wrote an autobiographical story, "The First Komsomol Members" ("Pervyye komsomolki" in Russian) and began writing a story about her childhood, "Zastava guys" ("Zastavskie Rebyata" in Russian), the first chapters of which were published in the almanac Koster. On December 26, 1934, she was arrested again. On January 16, 1935, she and her husband were sentenced to 5 years in prison for participating in Zinoviev's counterrevolutionary group. At the same time, the Lenfilm studio was filming the movie "Podrugi" based on Vasilyeva's script, adapted from her autobiographical stories, but her name only appeared in the credits in 1960 thanks to her rehabilitation in 1957. On January 5, 1938, she was sentenced to death on charges of counterrevolutionary agitation. On March 30, 1938, she was shot near Vorkuta.