- On January 23, 2001, Steiner interfered in a tryout match between newcomers Mike Modest and Christopher Daniels..Afterwards, a paramedic tried to enter the ring to aid the fallen wrestlers, but was also beat up by Steiner. The paramedic, however, was not anticipating being "part of the show" and was caught off guard by Steiner's actions. As Steiner prepared to leave the city, he was served an arrest warrant for assault. Scott Steiner later claimed to have believed the man was actually an actor playing a part.
- Inventor of the "Frankensteiner", a wrestling maneuver that is more commonly used today by cruiserweight wrestlers. This move is now known as a "Hurricanrana".
- Scott Steiner did an interview that was so controversial that it was pulled off the west coast feed of Nitro.
- Betrayed his brother, Rick, at SuperBrawl VIII at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California.
- At New Japan's 30th Anniversary show in Tokyo, Japan the Steiner brothers defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi and Kensuke Sasaki. Joanie Laurer served as the special guest referee
- Previous Managers: Buff Bagwell, Tylene Buck, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, Eddie Gilbert, Stacy Keibler, Midajah, Missy Hyatt, Shakira, Tojo Yamamoto.
- Signed with WWE (October 2002)
- In a major feud with Andrew "Test" Martin over Stacy Kiebler on "WWE Raw" (July 2003)
- Notable Title Wins Include: WWA Heavyweight Champion; WWA Tag Team titles w/Jerry Graham Jr; CWA Tag Team titles w/Bill Travis (2); CWA Tag Team titles w/Jed Grundy; WCW World Tag Team titles w/Rick Steiner (6); NWA United States Tag Team titles w/Rick Steiner; PWA Tag Team titles w/Rick Steiner; IWGP Tag Team titles w/Rick Steiner (2); WCW World Television title (2); WWF World Tag Team titles w/Rick Steiner (2); WCW United States title (2); WCW World Heavyweight title
- He and his brother Rick formed one of the most dominant tag teams in the history of professional wrestling. The Steiner Brothers have wrestled as a tag team in NWA, WCW, ECW, the WWF, Japan, and various other countries and wrestling organizations.
- Known in "TNA Impact!" (2004) as the wrestler with the largest arms and shortest fuse.
- Had his contract run out and was let go by WWE. (August 2004)
- Former WCW World Heavyweight, United States Heavyweight, Television, and World Tag Team Champion.
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