YEP~~The USA(as well as some other countries) has Gone FULL on BONKERS!!
Continuation to my other list : 2021 MIND your own BUSIneSS and STOP Telling WOMEN What to Do With THEIR OWN BODIES!!! F***TARDS!!!
I was just sitting here watching the News and these thoughts just keep popping up in my head, as I watch the FULL ON INSANITY that has become the New NORMAL??? Say What??? We are SOOOOOO FAR from Any Kind of Normal, I sadly doubt we will Even EVER have a clue of what NORMAL means. : (
Governor Abbott of Texas, said he was Gonna Stop All Rapes, Get all Rapists off the streets (As I mentioned in my 1st list from 2021 MIND your own BUSIneSS and STOP Telling WOMEN What to Do With THEIR OWN BODIES!!! FUCKTARDS!!! That some of you reading this new list, may already be familiar with, if Not, then go check it out! Anyhoo....
I had mentioned that Governor Abbott is Obviously DELUSIONAL!!! I haven't heard of 1 rape he has stopped, when he made that claim in 2021, there were over 2,000 untested rape kits in Texas. And he wasn't doing anything about child sexual trafficking either. He said he was gonna get Rapists off the streets, well, you know what you BLOOMING MORON, Most Rapes, don't happen on the Street, they happen in peoples homes, often by a family member, a friend of the family, a 1st date, an intruder or someone you trust. UH Yeah, Dumb ASS!!!
And the 2nd thing that comes to mind is, Since he has FAILED and just OUT RIGHT LIED, and not lifted 1 Finger to DO this Obviously IMPOSSIBLE TASk, does this give anyone who has been raped since he made this Ridiculous FAKE VOW, the right to SUE HIM in Court????
And do Most of you people know that the Satanic Temple is Suing him for breeching their 1st Amendment Rights, that protect Satanism as a Recognized Religion for DECADES in the USA, when it comes to his Draconian Anti-abortion laws. ??? I for one am VERY CURIOUS to see how this HOT MESS is Gonna Play out. Is Abbott just gonna get rid of RAPE by NOT acknowledging that it Happens at all??? Is that how he plans to GET RID of ALL RAPES in TEXAS???
It's the day after Easter Sunday, 2022 and this is Sadly the kinda shit that is on my mind as I watch the News about Texas political morons and all the other Moron states following suit to be Rid of Roe v WADE!! And now the Ridiculous Don't SAY GAY laws. If you've read some of my over 300 reviews, you may know that I DON'T BELIEVE in ORGANIZED RELIGION!! I left the Catholic Church at age 15, after reading an article about all the rapes and sexual misconduct that the Catholic Church and the POPE were hiding, and my GUT told me it was TRUE!!! And MY GUT WAS RIGHT, though why it took decades for more people to open their eyes to this truth is beyond me. I've yet to see ANY Religion that is NOT as Corrupt as a SEWER. And I was raised with many Priests at our dinner table growing up, and I've known some Very lovely and kind Priests, and I've Never been molested as a child. Wolves in Sheep's clothing exist EVERYWHERE, sadly, more and more today, because people choose to wear blinders. As long as it didn't happen to them, they refuse to believe it happens to anyone. I Luckily, don't think like that. And I've Met REAL MONSTERS of All shapes, sizes, colors, religions, careers, ages in my lifetime, Sadly, WaY Too Many to Count. And at age 15, before I had met these Monsters, My GUT TOLD Me, they were out there and they were LEGION (for they are MANY!!) And I chose a SIDE, yeah, I chose to be ANTI-MONSTER!!! What about YOU????
In case your wondering, NO, I'm Not an atheist or a Satanist either. I've studied science, human reproduction, and DNA, as well as most religions, sects and cults. I can't swallow the Primordial Stew Theory either. I can't believe all the wonderous living things on this Big Blue Marble crawled out of the ooze. They are too wonderous and complex. And yes, things do Evolve and Adapt as well, if they don't, they DIE!!! So, I believe in a Creator, A Grand Architect and I Do Believe in a Heaven and Hell!! I don't care about a Heaven where streets are paved with Gold or Mansions in the skies. If there are No Animals or Plants in Heaven, then that would NOT be Heaven to ME!! I Don't believe that ONLY one God (that each religion seems to claim is THEIR GOD, and he will fry you in Hell if you don't follow that church Bullshit!) What a Narcissistic thing to believe in. I believe in Good and Evil, I understand mistakes and regrets and no good options or outcomes, I believe Bad things happen to everyone. Sadly, often to the very innocent and most vulnerable on the planet at the hands of the corrupt, evil, greedy and soul less Monsters that walk among us. I believe in Forgiveness, but for those who truly repent in their heart of hearts. Not just empty words.
I have always believed That Those Who Refuse to Learn from the Past are condemned to REPEAT IT!!! And we are seeing it everyday with what (EvIL) Putin is doing to Ukraine. And What we are all doing to DESTROY our Planet and Each other at such a Blind and Accelerated RATE these past 30 years. So Much Denial, Greed, Lack of Empathy, Loss of Humanity. And I am sickened by the EVER GROWInG DARKNESS that I see SO MANY Soul less People Cheer ON!!! You Don't Have to Agree with ME! That's your Right and It's also Your SOUL!! If indeed you Have One. (FYI--- Doing BAD Things all week and then making an appearance at church on Sunday isn't the way True Repentance and FORGIVENESS work!)
"DO NOT Neglect to show Hospitality to Strangers, for by doing so, some people have shown Hospitality to angels, without Knowing IT!!" Hebrews 13:2 I've always believed this applies to All Living Things! : )
I have NO IDEA what types of MOvies and Documentaries I will post here in relation to what I have just written, because I am completely flummoxed at the moment with the INHUMANITY and INJUSTICE I see Every time I turn on the NEWS these days. (Which I try not to watch too often, because I think I would become Petrified and Not be able to move a muscle). And that's just NOT HOW I WORk!! I've been tested in my life many times by horror, violence and either you freeze and can't move or you fill with adrenaline and you fight. I know I FIGHT!!! In REAL LIFE, not some stupid video game or wearing VR Goggles. Many of you may not have been in a REAL situation Yet, to know how your body and mind will React. And if you will React for Good or Evil. I know I React, and I React for Good, For Fairness, For Kindness, To Protect innocents, And NO, I'm Not a fan of Super Hero movies (That's all FAKE BS!!) Maybe that's why I'm NOT a fan.
So some of you might agree with me, some of you may roll your eyes, or call me every name in the book, or maybe something I said here will make you open your eyes, not just choose to swallow everything you read on twitter or that idiots like Governor Abbott have to say. Maybe you will think about what the True meaning of Empathy, Justice, Fairness and Equality are, because they aren't just words. And WE ALL HAVE an EXPIRATION DATE, it doesn't matter how Rich, How Smart, How much Lies or Evil you spew into the world and onto others around you. WE ALL GONNA DIE. It's just seems better if we enjoy what time we have left, helping each other have a better life, instead of being Predators of every living thing around you.
I'll find something for this list if your interested or curious. Hopefully something that will make you think about and feel for someone or something OTHER THAN YOUR SELFISH SELF! ;D
I was just sitting here watching the News and these thoughts just keep popping up in my head, as I watch the FULL ON INSANITY that has become the New NORMAL??? Say What??? We are SOOOOOO FAR from Any Kind of Normal, I sadly doubt we will Even EVER have a clue of what NORMAL means. : (
Governor Abbott of Texas, said he was Gonna Stop All Rapes, Get all Rapists off the streets (As I mentioned in my 1st list from 2021 MIND your own BUSIneSS and STOP Telling WOMEN What to Do With THEIR OWN BODIES!!! FUCKTARDS!!! That some of you reading this new list, may already be familiar with, if Not, then go check it out! Anyhoo....
I had mentioned that Governor Abbott is Obviously DELUSIONAL!!! I haven't heard of 1 rape he has stopped, when he made that claim in 2021, there were over 2,000 untested rape kits in Texas. And he wasn't doing anything about child sexual trafficking either. He said he was gonna get Rapists off the streets, well, you know what you BLOOMING MORON, Most Rapes, don't happen on the Street, they happen in peoples homes, often by a family member, a friend of the family, a 1st date, an intruder or someone you trust. UH Yeah, Dumb ASS!!!
And the 2nd thing that comes to mind is, Since he has FAILED and just OUT RIGHT LIED, and not lifted 1 Finger to DO this Obviously IMPOSSIBLE TASk, does this give anyone who has been raped since he made this Ridiculous FAKE VOW, the right to SUE HIM in Court????
And do Most of you people know that the Satanic Temple is Suing him for breeching their 1st Amendment Rights, that protect Satanism as a Recognized Religion for DECADES in the USA, when it comes to his Draconian Anti-abortion laws. ??? I for one am VERY CURIOUS to see how this HOT MESS is Gonna Play out. Is Abbott just gonna get rid of RAPE by NOT acknowledging that it Happens at all??? Is that how he plans to GET RID of ALL RAPES in TEXAS???
It's the day after Easter Sunday, 2022 and this is Sadly the kinda shit that is on my mind as I watch the News about Texas political morons and all the other Moron states following suit to be Rid of Roe v WADE!! And now the Ridiculous Don't SAY GAY laws. If you've read some of my over 300 reviews, you may know that I DON'T BELIEVE in ORGANIZED RELIGION!! I left the Catholic Church at age 15, after reading an article about all the rapes and sexual misconduct that the Catholic Church and the POPE were hiding, and my GUT told me it was TRUE!!! And MY GUT WAS RIGHT, though why it took decades for more people to open their eyes to this truth is beyond me. I've yet to see ANY Religion that is NOT as Corrupt as a SEWER. And I was raised with many Priests at our dinner table growing up, and I've known some Very lovely and kind Priests, and I've Never been molested as a child. Wolves in Sheep's clothing exist EVERYWHERE, sadly, more and more today, because people choose to wear blinders. As long as it didn't happen to them, they refuse to believe it happens to anyone. I Luckily, don't think like that. And I've Met REAL MONSTERS of All shapes, sizes, colors, religions, careers, ages in my lifetime, Sadly, WaY Too Many to Count. And at age 15, before I had met these Monsters, My GUT TOLD Me, they were out there and they were LEGION (for they are MANY!!) And I chose a SIDE, yeah, I chose to be ANTI-MONSTER!!! What about YOU????
In case your wondering, NO, I'm Not an atheist or a Satanist either. I've studied science, human reproduction, and DNA, as well as most religions, sects and cults. I can't swallow the Primordial Stew Theory either. I can't believe all the wonderous living things on this Big Blue Marble crawled out of the ooze. They are too wonderous and complex. And yes, things do Evolve and Adapt as well, if they don't, they DIE!!! So, I believe in a Creator, A Grand Architect and I Do Believe in a Heaven and Hell!! I don't care about a Heaven where streets are paved with Gold or Mansions in the skies. If there are No Animals or Plants in Heaven, then that would NOT be Heaven to ME!! I Don't believe that ONLY one God (that each religion seems to claim is THEIR GOD, and he will fry you in Hell if you don't follow that church Bullshit!) What a Narcissistic thing to believe in. I believe in Good and Evil, I understand mistakes and regrets and no good options or outcomes, I believe Bad things happen to everyone. Sadly, often to the very innocent and most vulnerable on the planet at the hands of the corrupt, evil, greedy and soul less Monsters that walk among us. I believe in Forgiveness, but for those who truly repent in their heart of hearts. Not just empty words.
I have always believed That Those Who Refuse to Learn from the Past are condemned to REPEAT IT!!! And we are seeing it everyday with what (EvIL) Putin is doing to Ukraine. And What we are all doing to DESTROY our Planet and Each other at such a Blind and Accelerated RATE these past 30 years. So Much Denial, Greed, Lack of Empathy, Loss of Humanity. And I am sickened by the EVER GROWInG DARKNESS that I see SO MANY Soul less People Cheer ON!!! You Don't Have to Agree with ME! That's your Right and It's also Your SOUL!! If indeed you Have One. (FYI--- Doing BAD Things all week and then making an appearance at church on Sunday isn't the way True Repentance and FORGIVENESS work!)
"DO NOT Neglect to show Hospitality to Strangers, for by doing so, some people have shown Hospitality to angels, without Knowing IT!!" Hebrews 13:2 I've always believed this applies to All Living Things! : )
I have NO IDEA what types of MOvies and Documentaries I will post here in relation to what I have just written, because I am completely flummoxed at the moment with the INHUMANITY and INJUSTICE I see Every time I turn on the NEWS these days. (Which I try not to watch too often, because I think I would become Petrified and Not be able to move a muscle). And that's just NOT HOW I WORk!! I've been tested in my life many times by horror, violence and either you freeze and can't move or you fill with adrenaline and you fight. I know I FIGHT!!! In REAL LIFE, not some stupid video game or wearing VR Goggles. Many of you may not have been in a REAL situation Yet, to know how your body and mind will React. And if you will React for Good or Evil. I know I React, and I React for Good, For Fairness, For Kindness, To Protect innocents, And NO, I'm Not a fan of Super Hero movies (That's all FAKE BS!!) Maybe that's why I'm NOT a fan.
So some of you might agree with me, some of you may roll your eyes, or call me every name in the book, or maybe something I said here will make you open your eyes, not just choose to swallow everything you read on twitter or that idiots like Governor Abbott have to say. Maybe you will think about what the True meaning of Empathy, Justice, Fairness and Equality are, because they aren't just words. And WE ALL HAVE an EXPIRATION DATE, it doesn't matter how Rich, How Smart, How much Lies or Evil you spew into the world and onto others around you. WE ALL GONNA DIE. It's just seems better if we enjoy what time we have left, helping each other have a better life, instead of being Predators of every living thing around you.
I'll find something for this list if your interested or curious. Hopefully something that will make you think about and feel for someone or something OTHER THAN YOUR SELFISH SELF! ;D
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