Did not want to dislike 'Kill Kane'. It was again not a bad, if not new, premise and Vinnie Jones has given dependable performances in the past. It had potential to work, and would have done with effort being obvious and like those in front of and behind the camera had their hearts in it.
Neither of which can be seen with 'Kill Kane', something that is really quite unforgivable. Have seen worse films, recently and ever, but that doesn't stop 'Kill Kane' from being a very poor film with no redeeming traits and a lot of things done absolutely terribly. There is not much to add to what has been said very well already and the review is at the risk of repeating what has been said. Just for the record, 'Kill Kane' was watched with an open mind and not without the intent or want to dislike, let alone hate, the film, quite the contrary.
All the acting ranges from insipid to terrible, nobody looks engaged or at ease. Jones phones in and lacks vigour and intensity for a role needing both for it to work. In all fairness the characters are clichéd and are never engaging or easy to get behind, didn't care or endear to any of them.
The chemistry is static, likewise with the barely existent direction. The script is from start to finish is a cringe, weep and toe curl-fest with lots of overblown soap-opera melodrama and no depth whatsoever.
Furthermore, the story has no tension or suspense whatsoever, is very lifelessly paced and executes a not particularly new if intriguing idea with no imagination or originality. Basically non-stop indifferent dullness and predictability that takes itself far too seriously to be fun. 'Kill Kane' has a very dreary, one-note and less than slick visual style with well below average visuals and no attempt at authenticity. The sound is monotonous and over obvious, while the lighting lacks atmosphere and consistently and the photography lacks focus and often static in the more dramatic scenes.
In conclusion, awful with a noticeable lack of effort. 1/10 Bethany Cox