Malibu Crush starts in Los Angeles with Michael Chase ( James Pratt ) spraying an 81-year-old lady in the face with a fire extinguisher, and Duey ( Billy White ) drinking beer on the couch while hiding from his landlord. This pretty much sums up what to expect for the rest of the film - A fun buddy comedy with some outrageous moments.
As the film progresses, Michael receives a phone call from an ex-girlfriend Bridgett ( Kelly Monisse ) stating she's getting married and has a kid. The only issue is Bridgett lives in Sydney Australia and so Michael and Duey set out to Sydney under a student exchange program to stop a wedding.
Upon arrival in Sydney a string of memorable character actors enter the film including Rach Taylor ( Sarah-Louise Collidge ) The Boss, Paul GoFuller ( Scott E Miller ) Jade ( Brittany Hockley ) Carl ( Dan Musial ) and Emma ( Bella Valentini).
The comedy works well within storyline. It's a mix of urgency between Michael and Duey stopping a wedding while keeping up the disguise of being film directors shooting a big-budget commercial.
There are a few humorous gems from this film that have a high place on my list of memorable comedy scenes to watch, such as Johnny Watson being run over by a golf cart after Duey changes the script, The scene in which Tiffany's ( Yuan Lin ) strict father uncovers porn magazines after Michael and Duey lend their apartment to her and the fantasy scene in the spa between Duey and Rach Taylor.
However one of the most memorable scenes is not a comedy scene but rather a soft and touching moment between Michael and Emma over sunset on Bondi Beach in Australia, this is beautifully shot ( Conner Jansen cinematographer) and captures a brief pause in the mayhem and comedy which adds to the overall enjoyment of the film. Often comedy films have too much emphasis on just trying to be funny and not allowing the audience a break, Malibu Crush doesn't have this problem it's a comedy movie but it allows the audience a break every so often with some touching and nostalgic moments.