Flora goes front line, head on, and at great risk to rescue others from a cult. No one knows how to do it better than someone who lived on the inside. Flora speaks for those that do not have a voice still living under the spell of Warren and others like him. She also speaks out and tells the audience the reality of what happens if you do not, "keep sweet." She teaches us as she risks her life to bring freedom to those who want out. This is an example of Polygamy gone bad. I have read many books on this topic and I know friends who went great length to escape this type of lifestyle. The popular side of polygamy would have one believe that this is to be considered a alternate life style, after all the bible references plurality of wives. Yes, this is true as in the case of Abraham; however, ever time it is mentioned in the bible it has negative implications. Flora is brave, kindhearted, and totally focused on helping others not to have to go through what she did.