A simple yet captivating story of internal conflict from a devout Roman Catholic house keeper Mrs Kelly (Bríd Ní Neachtain) who is torn between Joy and Responsibility.
During this short film you forget many things including the small cast, the lack of dialogue for much of the film and the fact that it isn't in the preferred widescreen format. That is due to the pace at which the viewer is pulled through the story. The energy culminates with an impressive dance scene from Clodagh (Katelyn Rose Downey). Like the highs of a drug once the dance scene is complete Mrs Kelly is left alone contemplating her beliefs and principles for the remainder of the film and a conclusion that makes the viewer yearn for more.
Beautifully written (Michael Lindley & Portia A. Buckley) and directed (Portia A. Buckley) the film is only enhanced by the beautiful cinematography of
Jomo Fray which captures the solemnity, quietness and isolated nature of a rural Irish priest's housekeeper.