Meet Me Under The Mistletoe (2023) -
Right from the off I didn't like Simon Arblaster as Jeff.
Sarah Fisher in her role of Eva was more natural, but I still didn't find her particularly appealing. I certainly didn't understand how Jeff suddenly decided to be nice to her having obviously been a Dick to her for at least a year beforehand.
Where did the animosity go, surely it would have only got worse as the two of them went toe to toe in an attempt to get a house sold before Christmas and it actually didn't grip me at all. It was all a bit weird and the conversations between them were vague and wishy washy.
Most of the supporting artists did a good job and they actually had some good ones, so it was a shame that the leads were just too simple.
I would say that Mitch (Erik Athavale) has felt like he's all over these films this year but he's such an odd 'Steve Buscemi' character that he's really seemed quite an odd choice and irks me for some reason.
The standard "15 minutes from the end" fallout was stupid, Eva could have just let him finish what he was saying and avoided the whole upset. It was the weakest way to cause a "Problem" ever. They should have shown Jeff and her Niece Bonnie (Jerni Stewart) plotting, but with Eva only misunderstanding it, not initially overreacting to it. That would have been another tired way to do it too, but it still would have been 10 times better, reverse no one would just let that argument go without standing up for their actions, regardless of whether the other person didn't want to hear it.
Aside from a fairly lacklustre feel to it in general, I don't know it was missing some glamour or warmth or something, I just couldn't get enthused.
Overall this would not be one that I would come back to, I was wrapping presents while it was on, which was the only reason I didn't turn it off (I was using the remote control to weigh the paper down in order to cut the tape).
I'm going to need to see more effort from the producers to keep from just re-recording the ones that they did make well, back in the day, because a lot of these more recent attempts are obviously just churned out to make a quick buck.