This Movie is Definitely a Dog Lovers Delight, and Probably a. Candidate for the Most Sentimental and Heartwarming Film of the Year.
Dog Lovers will Truly Enjoy watching the Canine Star of the Film, as they observe the Amazing and Extensive Training that is Required of a True Service Dog.
Heartland Fans will also Definitely Enjoy the Acting Capabilities of One of Hallmark's Finest Female Stars, as Amber Marshal Demonstrates an Immense Talent in her very First, but certainty not Last, opportunity as a Lead Actress in a Hallmark Film.
Finally, Everyone will Enjoy this Heartwarming and Sentimental Story of a Sight Impaired Individual, who is Blessed with a Remarkable Service Dog, and its Caring and Compassionate Trainer.
This Film is Guaranteed to Touch Your
Heart, Bring a Tear to Your Eye, and Smile to Your Face, as You Enjoy nearly Two Hours of Beautiful and Touching Entertainment.