This is a Good movie (although we could spend days debating what 'good' actually means'). It's a modern western (which I usually hate). The concept is brilliant but it lacks a bit in the execution. One reason, perhaps is that the director also edited it (thank goodness he didn't write it!) so some parts are a little obscure.
It's low budget but with an excellent cast - Patrick Wilson, Ian McShane, John Leguizamo and Jim Belushi - and altogether very well done. And Juan Navazo does a great job with the music.
There are more than a few twists along the way, a few high action moments and a few 'if they knew that they wouldn't do this' and 'that would never happen' moments so your suspension of disbelief goes out the window. It's sloppy writing/direction but it happens in so many movies, so maybe we're immune to it. I call it the Commando effect after the Schwarzenegger movie (love him!) where at least 100K rounds are fired at him and not one hits. You get the idea, but maybe we're just a nation (world) of un-critical, non-thinking couch potato movie watchers. I dunno.
I struggle to find the 'point' of the title. 'The List' might have been a better/more apt title and more could have been made of that idea (you'll understand when/if you watch it). It sort of splits the theme of the movie in two which, perhaps, is why it's not as cohesive as it could be.
It drifts off in a direction you maybe didn't think of (which is good) but the writer, Nils Lyew, needs to work on theme and plot development.