I'm still reeling after watching the whole series (accidentally, it just happened). I was raised very similarly to the Duggars and we were aware of their show, although ironically our family was so strict we didn't have access to the their show (no cable, only PBS and CBS). I'm the oldest of 8 and could have easily ended up like Josh. It was such a disservice to shelter us so completely and not explain "the birds and the bees". It was treated as the most taboo subject and anything remotely related was heavily censored and suppressed. Any abuse in our community was swept under the rug. My father was "the king if the house" and anything he ordered was on the level of God ordering it. His rules were absolute and could not be questioned. I'm now 31 and no longer in that belief system. I've carried guilt and trauma for many years and I'm very sad that this BS still goes on around the world. People use the Bible and Christianity as a cover or smokescreen to justify and hide a tremendous amount of evil.