We get it. Empowering women and showing they can do all what men can and more is a trendy concept these last years, apparently educating people about this is more important than making a good story. Some great movies pull that off well, like like I Spit on your Grave, Kill Bill or Revenge. This one however comes off as so ridiculously unrealistic it just becomes annoying.
The heroines inability to lose reminds me of the cartoon Roadrunner, where the coyote keeps failing at getting his prey. At first it is amusing, then it just becomes annoying and finally you just hope he gets his meal, as he is the real underdog you end up rooting for.
With her toothpick arms she can throw huge top trained bodybuilders around with ease. Where is the thrill when she will ALWAYS win no matter the circumstances? The only way she could lose is if she fights a minority person or another woman, which makes everything it so predictable it almost hurts. And the plot holes are so dense there is basically no plot just holes.
If you get a kick out of seeing skinny women predictably beat up large muscular men without any effort over and over, this might be for you. If you want a good movie that makes you root for the beat down hero who is clawing through pain and challenges against all odds and make you keep guessing what will happen next on the edge of your seat, then dont waste your time here. You have seen this movie too many times already.